JUNE 24-27 & JUNE 30-JULY 3 (sign up for 4 or 8 days)
In this 4 or 8 day adventure you will create favorite forest animals, listen to northeastern woodland Abenaki and Iroquois tales, search for animal tracks and skat in the woods, draw a life size moose, and help bring together another first prize winning float for the Chesterfield fourth of July parade. Cyndy and Joanna are teaming up again to offer an inspired take on woodland animals in clay, paper mache/plaster puppets, and charcoal with new and improved salvaged materials and an extra two years of teaching added to their collective 60+ years in the field. We may even attempt creating some whittled and or clay woodwind instruments for a soundscape component to our float! Sign up for 4 or 8 days. 4 days @ $400 and 8 days @ $700. Ages 7-11. Maximum 16.
Adult Saturday Forest Studio
Saturday November 2, 10-4 $120
Come paint, print, and sculpt with clay at Sugarhill Art. We’ll start with big brushes, large paper and a fabulous meandering still-life. Our initial creations will become a launchpad for new multimedia work. Cyndy and Joanna will show slides from art history, do demonstrations with new materials, and help everyone create an ideas sketchbook. Morning will be spent focusing on 2-D work, and in the afternoon we’ll pivot to clay. Bring your own lunch-we will serve afternoon tea. There will be time to talk about favorite artists and share creative ideas. Bring your favorite pens for doodling. maximum 8.
Saturday November 2, 10-4 $120
Come paint, print, and sculpt with clay at Sugarhill Art. We’ll start with big brushes, large paper and a fabulous meandering still-life. Our initial creations will become a launchpad for new multimedia work. Cyndy and Joanna will show slides from art history, do demonstrations with new materials, and help everyone create an ideas sketchbook. Morning will be spent focusing on 2-D work, and in the afternoon we’ll pivot to clay. Bring your own lunch-we will serve afternoon tea. There will be time to talk about favorite artists and share creative ideas. Bring your favorite pens for doodling. maximum 8.
Travel with Cyndy and Joanna for 6 days through southern Bavaria, Germany and into Austria, ending in Vienna. We will draw and paint our way through southern Germany making stops for good food and spending evenings in cozy Gästhäuser. We’ll visit the Alte & Neue Pinakothek and Glyptothek in Munich, where we’ll look at Durer’s famous self-portrait, the amazing vases of Exekias, and vibrant works from German Expressionism. From Munich we will take the train to Murnau in the foothills of the Alps, home of Gabrielle Munter and for a time, Wasily Kandinsky. On day 4 we will leave Murnau for Salzburg and spend our final two days traipsing around Vienna. Leave your life behind for 7 days of sketching, painting, good conversations, food, wine and evening slideshows,
Travel with Cyndy and Joanna for 6 days through southern Bavaria, Germany and into Austria, ending in Vienna. We will draw and paint our way through southern Germany making stops for good food and spending evenings in cozy Gästhäuser. We’ll visit the Alte & Neue Pinakothek and Glyptothek in Munich, where we’ll look at Durer’s famous self-portrait, the amazing vases of Exekias, and vibrant works from German Expressionism. From Munich we will take the train to Murnau in the foothills of the Alps, home of Gabrielle Munter and for a time, Wasily Kandinsky. On day 4 we will leave Murnau for Salzburg and spend our final two days traipsing around Vienna. Leave your life behind for 7 days of sketching, painting, good conversations, food, wine and evening slideshows,